Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Clothes, clothes, clothes!

Posting once a week makes me realize how fast the week goes by...

Well lets get to it my pretties!

Alright so, as of lately my fashion has turned a bit punkish? Shall we say. I've been in love with the pink sweaters with skulls on them and anything that has a girlish/rough combination going for it. For example:

*my apologies for the rough iphone pictures

The shirt is from forever 21, its on the verge of being a shirt dress you'd sleep in but I think that was what attracted me to it! The skirt is from the sale rack of the lovely urban outfitters maybe a year or so ago. Here's a better picture of the shirt (I bought it a couple weeks ago)

These knee socks are actually forever 21 also...go figure haha. The sheer black tights are from urban outfitters, which I actually had a hard time finding. The boots (another obsession) are from some random store in arizona. I really love boots. It's starting to become an issue...I have six pairs. Who honestly needs six pairs of boots?!?! 

I'm really bad at taking pictures of myself so...my apologies for that too.
Tux, my youngest cat snuck in the background

My other clothing obsession is currently this dress:
Here's a close up of the front (hence why I fell in love)

I confess that I spent wayyy too much money on this dress BUT it looks really amazing with my new red hair...woops!

I got it at urban outfitters and plan to wear it at some point on the Mediterranean cruise I'm going on in april. Until then..its going to hang out in my closet and make friends with the rest of my summer clothes I can't wear due to the fact that its very chilly in LA at the moment. Here's a better picture of the dress:

Also, to help you get through the rest of the week: you should listen to this song. Because its wonderful. And I love it. Yay!

Miss You Always,



  1. I'm a new follower, so I thought I'd say hi :) Love that cross top. I've been eying up a couple myself; I'm thinking it might even be a fun diy project and make one myself.

    xo Ami
    a champagne dream
