Sunday, February 10, 2013

Makeup I LOVE

Okay so I think its time that I let everyone in on all of my makeup secrets. I absolutely love makeup and trying new products. Today I am going to share with you all of my tried and true everyday wear.


Physicians Formula concealer is by far the best drugstore concealer out there. Plus you only have to use the tiniest amount for coverage. Seriously don't squirt out more than a pen point. A tube of this magical stuff will last for 6 months easy.

Physicians Formula mineral wear powder is a dream come true. It covers like clown makeup but is not thick and it is barely noticeable that you are even wearing powder at all! My trick to applying this is I don't use the brush it comes with, I buy separate powder puffs and apply with those for maximum coverage.  I have been using it for years.
On top of my powder I add a little pink shimmer to my cheeks as my blush. I am very fair skinned but if you are tanner you can use the bronzer! Once again this product is from Physicians Formula.


I always apply my eye shadow first then my eyeliner. For eye shadow I usually just apply a shimmery nude shade (any will do). For eye liner....(I know you are going to think I am crazy) Physicians Formula wins out. I use the black shade and that stuff sticks all day without smudging. This stuff is so good I can only find it at Ulta (fancy right?). After I apply my eyeliner I then go over it with black eye shadow and an angled brush to make it more dramatic. I guess I have still never got over my emo stage. Then I top it all off with mascara, I use Lash Blast Falsies.


I have a confession to make... without eyebrow pencils my eyebrows are barely there. They are normally light and not noticeable. Thank god for Revlon's dark blonde eyebrow pencil or I would look like an eyebrowless monster.


Can I just tell everyone right now how much I love lip butter? I love lip butter so much that I own like 6 shades even though only 3 of them look good on me. Lip butter is my best friend. Go out and get some right now, you will thank me.

Bonus: Picture of me with my normal makeup on. Sadly this photo does not include lip butter.

Miss you, always.



  1. abby, you are hilarious and i love you to pieces...I'm totally going to try a few of those out

  2. You really should try them. Especially the concealer. Its seriously magical. I miss youuuuu
