Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Homemade Mini Apple Pies

It's no secret that I love baking and I always have most of the ingredients stocked up in my cabinet. This particular morning I woke up and it smelled like fall, well the way Florida always smells during fall. Yes, Florida does have a fall smell and it's breezy starting November. I could also feel a nice breeze coming in, so I opened all the windows, and had the desire to bake an apple pie. When Florida became "fall" I would always be back home because it was usually during the holidays. Then my family would beg for me to make an apple pie. Mainly because they were too lazy and didn't want to make one, so I would always take the challenge.

Anyways, I had to buy some of the ingredients because I didn't have all the necessities.
White Vinegar: $2.00
Nutmeg: $1.00
Peeler: $5.00
Lemon: $.30
= $8.30

I was too cheap to actually buy a pie pan, so I made them in a muffin pan that I already had! Making a bunch of mini pies except one big one. This actually enabled me to give them out to friends, neighbors, etc.

I found this apple pie recipe online:

Pie Dough:

  • cup(s) All-Purpose Flour
  • 3/4teaspoon(s) Salt
  • tablespoon(s) Sugar
  • 1 3/4cup(s) Unsalted Butter, cold, cut into small pieces
  • tablespoon(s) White Vinegar
  • (extra large) Egg

  • Read more: Grandma's Pie Dough - Country Living 

    Apple Filling:

  • 2 1/2pound(s) Mixed Apples, peeled, cored, and chopped into 3/4-inch pieces
  • tablespoon(s) All-Purpose Flour
  • 1/2 cup(s) Sugar
  • 1/4 cup(s) Brown Sugar
  • tablespoon(s) Sugar
  • teaspoon(s) Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/4teaspoon(s) Ground Nutmeg
  • 1/2teaspoon(s) Salt
  • tablespoon(s) Lemon Juice

  • Read more: Farmhouse Apple Pie - Country Living 

    I did alter it a little bit though.

    Heat oven at 375 degrees.

    I used Pink Lady Apples because I already had them and then ended up being a nice consistency!

    I peeled the apples and chopped them up into tiny squares to fit the mini pies.

    Add all the filling ingredients together and mix

    It should end up looking something like this.

    (so much butter!)
    Add Pie Dough ingredients together and mix till a doughy consistency.

    Roll out the dough with 1/8 thickness and find something that can make circles and be big enough to fit the muffin pan.


    Place the circles in the muffin pan, poke with a fork then scoop the apple filling inside.

    Do whatever design you want on top, I'm a big fan of weaving. Even though it was a little harder to do because they are so mini.

    Put in oven and keep it in there for 50-55 minutes or until the fruit is bubbling.

    Then comes out the cutest pies I've ever seen and did I mention that they're delicious! Enjoy!

    Happy Cooking!



    1. I wish I would have tasted this when Austin brought it over! Since I didn't have the chance, I'm making mason jar apple pies this week!

      1. That sounds wonderful!! I've been trying to find cheap mason jars everywhere but they seem to be so pricey. :(

    2. Your mini pies are so cute! I did something similar with peach a few years ago, and the lattice on them tiny is definitely tricky, but yours look great!

    3. These are just too cute, and look delicious! :)
