Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Beginning of Clarissa's Journey.

I've never been to California but heard it was the place to be if you wanted to break into the film business. Contrary to popular belief, I do NOT want to be an actress! I want to design sets, decorate them, blow up things, etc. I want to be behind the camera, never in front. Breaking into the business is going to be the hard part. So this blog will document my journey and show you crafts, food, and fashion on my VERY TIGHT budget.

Let's talk about how I packed up my car with everything I claimed important and headed on my way to California, two weeks after graduating college. It was a really exciting adventure, I took the scenic route. I went through Florida (obviously), Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, and then California.
Here are some pictures from that:

I arrived here on April 15, 2012. Woohoo!


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