Sunday, March 3, 2013

Oreo Truffles

I made these truffles for valentines day and they were super easy to make and very delicious. Like really delicious. I have been slacking on blogging due to some extenuating circumstances but I now have a computer that is back up and running!

I got this recipe from

What you will need:

1 package of oreo chocolate cookies
1 (8 oz) package of cream cheese, softened
2 (8oz) packages of semi sweet baking chocolate

The recipe that I used called for 9 cookies to be put to the side to save for toppers, I think that it was too much. I would recommend saving 5.

First I crushed up all the Oreos in large Ziploc bags with a rolling pin.

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I made sure that were crushed into a very fine powder, I then put them all into a bowl and added the softened cream cheese.

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I rolled the mixture into little balls measuring out the dough with a tablespoon and laid them all out on a baking sheet covered in wax paper.

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I then dipped each one into melted chocolate gently coating them so that they didn't break up.

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Next step is to top them with the saved crushed Oreos! Then set them in the refrigerator to harden for an hour.

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As you can see the end result is seriously lethal truffles.

These were so easy to make and such a hit that I am actually making them again for a work party on Thursday!

Miss you, always.


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